Waterperry Gardens

Waterperry Gardens is a magical place where you are surrounded by beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers, classical borders, modern planting, secret corners and long vistas.

Home to the renowned horticultural college between 1932 and 1971, the emphasis was on food production rather than spectacular ornamental gardens.

Over the past twenty years though the gardens have developed and grown, and many new projects have been undertaken and completed.

You’ll now find a Formal Garden, the Mary Rose Garden, a Waterlily Canal and the Long Colour Border, and we recently planted a small arboretum in the meadow area beyond the canal.

Top Tips for enjoying the ornamental gardens:

Visiting the ornamental gardens can be a wholly enriching experience. The benefits of visiting a garden – from mental health right through to exercise – are huge, and garden days out are a perfect way to have fun on your own, with friends or as an entire family. However, they do include some uneven and hard gravel paths, steep slopes, and the river walk can become tricky in wet weather.

In preparing for your visit, we recommend dressing comfortably and appropriately for the season. Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes for walking or hiking. Expect that your shoes may get dusty or dirty. Bring a sun hat or visor to protect your face from the sun and remember sunscreen since you will be outdoors. If you are visiting during the winter months, wear a warm hat, dress in layers and be prepared for chilly mornings and warm afternoons.

Above all enjoy!!

Map Key:
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